There are many ways that pastors and leaders of the ACC connect with the global church. It may be through global networks, conferences or events. One unique avenue of engaging with different church traditions globally is through formal, ecumenical activities. These
official events mostly take the form of ecumenical dialogue. For several years, I have had the honour of representing both the ACC and AC in various ecumenical dialogues, as well as other activities.
Christian Unity Commission
This year I was formally appointed to the Christian Unity Commission of the Pentecostal World Fellowship. The Commission seeks to facilitate dialogue and activities that foster Christian unity and engagement with the wider Christian tradition. The Commission meets approximately each quarter, usually by zoom, to continue in its work.
International Anglican - Pentecostal Commission
From 10-16 June 2023, I participated in the International Anglican-Pentecostal Commission, held in Canterbury, UK. The theme was “Worship, Liturgy, and Renewal” as part of the broader discussion on Transforming Holiness in which the Commission is engaged. There were three paper topics in which both Pentecostals and Anglicans were engaged to present their perspective, namely the themes of liturgy, sacraments and worship. I was engaged to present a paper on the Pentecostal perspective of worship, entitled “Holiness, and Worship that Transforms.” This theological paper is slated to be published in a book on Pentecostal Worship edited by David Han and myself.
In terms of the work of IPAC, based on these papers and the ensuing vibrant discussion, a chapter will be drafted that will form part of a booklet. This booklet will communicate the findings of the Commission. It is to be written for a lay audience and is to be available for distribution to both traditions at the conclusion of this first round of Dialogue meetings in 2026. I have been asked to draft this first chapter on behalf of the Commission.
The Commission also had the delight of worshipping together during the week at the Canterbury Cathedral, where we received a special welcome.
The next meeting of IPAC, in June 2024, will be hosted by the Pentecostals of IPAC in South Africa.

Photos: The IPAC team inside and in front of the Canterbury Cathedral, UK.
Roman Catholic - Pentecostal International Dialogue
While the official International Dialogue between the Roman Catholic and Pentecostals has been operating for over 50 years, I have joined in the last two years. The Dialogue met from 13-18 July, for the first time in Africa, being hosted by the Church of Pentecost in Accra, Ghana. The theme for this phase is “Lex orandi, lex credendi” (as we pray, we believe). There was one paper topic on “Worship/Prayer and Christian Life” presented by a representative of each group. I was appointed by the Pentecostal group to present the paper on worship from a Pentecostal perspective. Following the meeting, I will seek an appropriate outlet to publish this theological paper.
At the conclusion of this phase of meetings, a formal theological report will be published in 2026. A small press release and a larger official Report on this year’s meeting of the Dialogue were published by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.
A highlight of the meeting was worshipping together, which we did at a local Church of Pentecost congregation, where we also received a special welcome.
The next meeting, in July 2024, will be hosted by the Roman Catholic team in Europe.

Photos: The CPID team meeting in Ghana.